Congratulation you
find a secret
-You can win a fantastic EasterEgg-
Answer all my questions correctly!
Conditions of participation:
You keep the secret GlodGame undercover,
no detail go public.
( Not the place where you found the GlodGame,
no questions and answers of the GlodGame )
You have to answer all questions by yourself.
Do you accept the task and conditions
of participation?
I wish you a lot of fun and luck!
1. Which Devil Fruit uses the GlodRoger?
2. What is the name of the ship of the unique
3. Which rap-verse arised from the brain of
the GlodRoger?
4. What does the GlodRoger call the one
month subscriber?
5. Which currency arised from the brain of
the GlodRoger?
6. What is the One Piece for the GlodRoger?
7. What is the first name of the GlodRoger?
8. What is the ambitiouz aim of the GlodRoger
and his crew?
9. The daughter of the GlodRoger is called…
10. What is the highest Bit Badge that a
Glod-Crew member can earn?
11. What is the highest Glod Badge that a
Glod-Crew member can earn?
12. What is the second name of a missing
Glod-Crew member, whose nickname is
„The Blond smokin’ SCAR“?
13. What is the highest law in the Glod-Crew?
14. What is the reason for the GlodRoger,
that he trys to get the most wanted
record in the speedrun community?
15. The GlodRoger got a…
16. What are the redoubtable Glod Pirates
also called?
17. How many Tetris matches do you have to
win to get the Busoushoku 武装色?
18. How is the yohohoho of the Yohohoho_Bot
exactly spelled, when he laughs with you?
19. What is the assignment of the Glod-Post
20. What is the correct format of the GAoP?
Type the EasterEgg which is marked with a arrow
in the Glod-Chat to pick up your award!
!!!IMPORTANT! Type only the one with the arrow,
the others are !Fake-EasterEggs!!!
The following Glod-Crew members win the
secret GlodGame with the following
Hilfsbereit90 - !EasterEgg_Gloden.m.f.DoubleU.Letter
Rhotomago - !EasterEgg_Glod.My-W.a.n.t.e.d.Letter